2. Leeteuk want to have a cool name stage like KangTa, Lee Soo Man recommended “KangSu” (means Time to Rain on K-Pop), but he didn’t like it. At last he choose Leeteuk, means special.
3. Leeteuk was called Angel from Heaven because he was born in rainy day, they said angel descend from heaven on rainy day
4. Leeteuk’s face is totally same with his father (like father like son xD)
5. Leeteuk is really outgoing on the outside, but actually he didn’t talk that much in his daily life
6. Leeteuk loves white color, but he doesn’t do laundry at all till he was with Hee in hotel (for SS3) last year O_O
7. Leeteuk usually become a “guest MC” on every vairiety show that he joined, LOL~ even the real MC can’t do anything to stop him!
8. Leeteuk loves children so much

9. Leeteuk is really kind and gentle, especially with older woman and child

10. Leeteuk never let a woman pay when they were dating.
11. Leeteuk always sleeping before their performance
12. Leeteuk got a heartbroken when a woman reject his love because she already has a BF.
13. Leeteuk got 170 stitches because of the accident in 2007, but he recovered really fast

14. Leeteuk only got 2 calls on his cellphone everyday, and he don’t want miss it, so he always bring his cellphone everywhere he go
15. Leeteuk has a dimple that appeared in right side when he smile. Really cute

16. Leeteuk was chosen as the leader because he was the oldest in the group
17. Leeteuk always become a place for all member to talk and sharing their thought.
18. Some of the member think that Leeteuk didn’t suit become a leader because he was more childish than the other members.
19. Leeteuk respect and loved his grandma, and he really regret because when his grandma gone, he was away with his friend
20. Leeteuk was average with English, but very good with Malay (some said it’s because he was really popular in Malaysia)
21. Leeteuk’s monthly cost only 100,000 won (about 100 USD) really economical!
22. Leeteuk specialty is composing, singing, dancing, and MC-ing
23. Leeteuk’s Disney Name from Heechul is Peterpan, because he don’t want grow old
24. in the future, when the group disbanded, he wants to become a producer
25. In the making of Rokkugo mv, Leeteuk was asked to kiss Heechul. He panicked but in the end, he kissed Hee
26. According to the ELFs, he is the hottest and cutest Angel on Earth xP
27. his Chinese Name: Li Te and his English name is Dennis Park
28. Before debuting, Eeteuk used to reply to every single message that was left in his cyworld– When one fan that doesn’t know him personally asked for any movie suggestions, he actually left her some
29. Leeteuk got lasik (laser eye surgery), now he wears lensless glasses for fashion
30. Wheesung adored him so much since Leeteuk was his singing student.
31. His nicknames: Oriteuk (Duck, given by ELF), Angel without wings, Special Leader, Peter Pan
32. he ever thought about suicide after they broke up >___<
33. Leeteuk has a method named ‘Water Screen’ to wake all his dongsaengs (he teach them at Thailand)
34. If Leeteuk got bored and lonely, he’ll post up something on his cyworld or listen to music loudly
35. Leeteuk’s sister said that he is a strong & stubborn kid. even if he is loves to cry, gullible and has a soft hear
36. To the members, even though LeeTeuk lacks the strict dominance, but he is an understanding leader.
37. Leeteuk likes the rain
38. leeteuk’s Favorite Music Genre is Classical
39. Teuk is very sensitive, as long as it touches his heart, he would tear immediately
40. “i always want to cry when i saw sapphire blue sea. i love you ELFs!” –Leeteuk
41. Leeteuk hard to pose sexy *LOL*
42. Along with Eunhyuk, Leeteuk is also the DJ for KBS’s Super Junior Kiss the Radio since August 21, 2006.
43. Leeteuk was very disappointed with Kangin’s DUI case, he even blamed himself because he was not a good leader.
44. Leeteuk want to have choco abs like Siwon xDD
45. Leeteuk’s laugh was very unique and contagious xD
46. Teukie likes to drink Strawberry Juice
47. in the dorm, Leeteuk’s roommate is Donghae
48. He wants to marry ELF and want to ask all ELFs to come to his wedding

49. According to Eunhyuk, Teukie often farted on SUKIRA, and if that’s happen, Eunhyuk will stroke Teukie’s head with script xD
50. Leeteuk is really dorky, everytime he met a girl, he would ask, “do you like me?” even to a little girl that he met!
51. leeteuk loves ramen and only can cook ramen xD
52. Not only known as economical person, Leeteuk even bid the toll price because he didn’t bring any money! OMG!
53. when Teukie and the other went to Italy, he loset in paper rock scissors game and have to treat the others’ dinner up to 300 USD O_O
54. Teukie is really really narcissistic
55. according to SJ members, if Leeteuk already walked around, it means he was searching for a place to sleep.
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